Remembering Together is a Scotland-wide project to co-create memorials which will honour the people we have lost, mark what has been lost and changed in our lives, and preserve the best of what we have learned and created together during the Covid pandemic. I was appointed as lead artist for Kinross.
My memorial is ‘The Memory Stones’; inspired by experience and memory, both individual and collective.
Seven stones, each with a different translation of the poem ‘memory, stronger than stone’.
In Perth and Kinross residents from the EEA, Pakistan and China represent the largest minority populations. Therefore the languages on the stones are English, Urdu, Mandarin, Polish, Scots, Gaelic and Braille.
These translations represent not only the diversity of Scotland, but the diversity of experiences in this ongoing pandemic.
The stones have been placed in seven different locations around Kirkgate Park, Kinross. Like the stones of a cairn, like each of us; individual but part of a collective that makes up the whole. This memorial brings Kinross and its experiences together as part of the same body of work.